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no She wants to check the woman carefully to see if the woman is still in Jiangcheng Autumn is late.The beginning of autumn has just passed, and the weather is still hot.It s just In the morning and evening, occasionally a cool breeze blows, and there is a trace of coolness.After Xiao Tong learned that Fu Yunian was about to marry Bai Shanshan, she had come out of her initial loss.To this day, even if she mentions Fu Yunian again, she can still laugh at it.On CBD chewable gummies this day, after treating the patient and taking a break at noon, Aunt Zhang suddenly found her happily.Tongtong, it s a great thing I tell you, this time you have to seize the opportunity She smiled at Xiao Tong so ambiguous that it made Xiao Tong confused.Aunt Zhang, what s the chance Aunt Zhang pulled her into the back room and said in a low voice, Do you remember that little guy named Lu Shu in our county Seeing that Xiao Tong didn t seem to have any impression, she hurriedly reminded Back then You two are still classmates Failed Drug Test Due To Optimal CBD Gummies in junior high school At that time, you two were in the same class Do you remember Under the urging of Aunt Zhang, Xiao Tong paradoxically replied Oh What happened to him Aunt Zhang patted the back of her hand Aiya, you child, why are you so ignorant Lu Shu is now the director of the county hospital Because he spends less time are CBD gummies legitimate Failed Drug Test Due To Optimal CBD Gummies with his wife, and has a bad relationship, half a year ago Divorced, I heard that you are back, and asked me to match him If you have no opinion, I will arrange for the two of you to meet Xiao Tong had are CBD gummies legitimate Failed Drug Test Due To Optimal CBD Gummies a black line.

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Lu Shu peeled it carefully, and after peeling the shrimp, he placed it in front of Xiao Tong.He seemed to inadvertently asked The pharmacist said just now Did you come here yesterday Chapter 304 In fact, in the middle of the night, when Lu Shu accompanied Xiao Tong to buy medicine, he heard this sentence.This pharmacy has business dealings with their hospital.He usually comes to this apex CBD gummies Failed Drug Test Due To Optimal CBD Gummies pharmacy once a month, and is very familiar with several business personnel in the store.A salesman asked Xiao Tong just now Didn t you buy these medicines yesterday At that time, Xiao Tong s answer was Yesterday s medicines were all soaked in water, and there was no way to use them anymore, so they had to add another batch.She also took out a part of the medicine box that had been soaked in rain, which looked really horrible.
